The stream that runs toward my door twinkles in the morning light. Shimmering in a path to me, reflecting the ways of the day, showing me the path of life and living.
I see the sparkling trail traveling above the ground here and there, with occasional disappearances when the waters move underground to deeper terrains. The unseen trails carry the waters through deep hidden caverns, for future reference, holding this bounty as reservoirs of knowledge, and experience, revealing themselves when least expected, and most needed.
Just before the yurt, the waters re-emerges, from a bubbling underground spring, carrying life-nourishing silt along as a passenger now. Mud.... Mmmm ~ Primordial life, feeding all life. Feeding me within and without. Life-giving waters arriving to me today here and now, at my door.
I drink deeply from this drought of life. All love and light shimmering before my eyes and also in my eyes.
Water, like love, is a many shaped miraculous wonder. Neither graspable for formable. Not one thing, nor another, Always both. Both matter and light, both shaped and shaper, both formed and forming. Always All-ways. Always possible, and always miraculous. Both one and many. Water and love elude beginnings and endings. Starting everywhere and going all directions. Perhaps one can say, never ending, always beginning.
I will rest, today, in the center of this twinkle.
My heart bursting its seams as the waters flood me. I break open to embrace the call.
Singing the path of love and lover,
As Both creation and undoing.
I rest in the center of this light, accepting that not even these words written here, can express the whole of it, neither the pain of love when it lands in the heart, nor the unbearable moment of love stretching the soul's path, nor the beauty of the undoing that occurs in one single moment of standing in the Presence of Love...
For now, I receive this grace, with grace. I sit, watching and drinking, as the waters travel by my door, on their path to the Unseen. Traveling here, before the stream finds new trails, moving towards the deeper woods, feeding unknown future reservoirs, offering love, life and freedom along the way.
The light of the stream moves me into the shimmering fire, as vessel and song, as love's spark and fire.
As the miracle and many-fold blessings of this life, Welcoming home