- from the October 14 solar eclipse *
In the following image, the moon shape crescent is the moon… the sun, our solar light source is taking a moment to be a moon 🌙

from the west coast, September 23

June 24 ~ no words encompass the beauty and gift of a rainbow. I drink it in

Mt Shasta northern lights April 23-24

The next two may be Lights over Australia ~


The following two photos are intriguing demonstrations of new light. They were taken on April 9, on two different areas on the West coast, a day that shone bright here in Vermont as well.

"Heart to eye," will share stories and photos from others. These images captures a moment from a place of presence, and heart, they strike the awareness of the eternal now, which in turn, returns me to my heart
Beautiful photos of Hawaii’s volcanoes

A story from Katie Minke ~

Sometimes when you usual routine gets disrupted, it's a good thing. I discovered these magical flowers because of just such a disruption
I got new tires a month ago and then, yesterday, ran over a screw which deflated my tire before my eyes. Today, I am waiting , and waiting,
and waiting, for that tire to be repaired before driving to work in Berkely... I went for a wonder,
and in a parking lot,
I found these flowers on the ground
with more floating down around me.
Looking up, I see a non-descript tree, but the wonder of the floating flowers! It lifted my spirits so much.
"A reminder to pause and remember beauty is everywhere"~
August sunsets:

Spring, 2022
The Bears are coming out to enjoy the changeable weather of Spring.
Here is a story from a neighbor's front porch, who feeds the birds year round ( I know, I know... not good for bears. But this is her reward ~)
"I got up early to feed the cardinal, just about dawn as I always do, and there, nesting under the feeder was a young bear.
When I opened the door, 12 feet away, the bear looked up, and never budged. I stepped out toward the bear and spoke softly,
"It is time for the birds to eat and that it could just walk a little farther away for the day. The bear eventually lifted ki's body and lumbered over the wall. The bear is a gentle soul. "
Interspecies love.....
Photos from Italy, not mine, but oh the art, oh the beauty ~

October 13
Pattie told me that when her wind chimes became too loud during winter storms, she put an expandable glove on the paddle to quieten it. One day, she discovered that a squirrel had discovered the benefits of this glove and was letting the glove pet ki's fur. A creative squirrel finding new answers to one's needs...
June 25
"Which way is home?
I follow the flowers, I follow the moon
I look at the stars, the leaves and the clouds.
I see inside of rotten logs on roadsides and wonder.
'Look for where the wonder lives," I hear in my mind.
I throw no-wonder in the brook
so the ocean can spit it out refreshed, revived, salted
and with new purpose and
no plans." Jenna Etra
From Puerto Rico, Noticing one's world weaving with life ~ ?
"A hummingbird comes twice daily to steal strands from a Spider's web for his nest"
I wonder if the spider notices the change too or that the strands have gone missing.... Maybe the spider likes the opportunity for change.
A Spirit Hawk has been seen in the skies over our local hills. The image caught by a local resident is a bit grainy. It does catch the energy as well as the red tail. A friend has seen her twice. I look forward to the grace of the white Red Tail hawk traveling over my skies as well

A response to the Venus Muse of Feb 26, 2021, in speaking of and feeling the grief~
"So needed!!! it is like a trampling cosmic truth/love parade through a China shop of despair."

This photo came from loved ones in places far far from Vermont. Oh to imagine waking up to this magical creature! Oh, to imagine the thoughts behind the beautiful eye~ I can imagine what some of them might be... But I won't assume that I know, nor will I assume I know the creature enough to interpret the meaning or metaphor for the magnificent presence. Surely, though, I will admire the poise and self-possession.
Also the wisdom.
This photo may stay at the top of the page for a while : )
A cold February evening~
An unusual friend fell out of my bean jar this morning as I was pouring them to soak them. Where did this moth come from? In February no less?
Take a close look at the eyes and antennas.. They are profound~

Noticing from the heart~
"The Owl ~ Such keen hearing that they can listen for their prey under the snow and pinpoint their exact location to execute the hunt! Pun intended! So glad the snow is fluffy again because when it is icy the owls can't penetrate the crust and then they go more hungry than usual. About a week ago I happened to spy an owl landing in a tree on the hill in our back yard. The beautiful creature stayed there all day and slept, only waking up to turn so that she would face the sun as it moved over the tree canopy from east to west. So camouflaged against the color of the tree bark we would have to strain each time to make sure she had not flown away! It truly was a gift! We were skiing last night with head lamps and heard several of them hooting and screeching like monkeys! Me thinks the sap is rising! Even the squirrels are chasing one another with more intent than usual! Light snow coming down, Blessing and blooms and sightings!?
A mid winter journal entry watching winter gardens within and without~
The greenhouse looks a bit sad. I think some things will revive come spring but not sure - spinach, chard, parsley, lettuces. Can’t eat them yet. Have spinach and mesclun mix under lights up here ~ Just for fun!
*The deer pried open the garden fence and whittled the kale and other brassica down to stalks. I’m glad they could get them.
What other animals are moving now?