The teacup, round and comforting
holds deep warmth,
Like a Tibetan bowl, singing in waves,
Sounding out incantations of love
I center this day, with tea in hand, held by fingers around the whole
feeling the edges of the cup and the edges around me.
This tea is a physic, a singing receipt for health. I listen ~
I see my hands holding this cup, a cup reminding me of my own inner fire.
I feel the breath of wind blowing across my face gently, moving wisps of hair, as they pass.
I smell the mowed grass.
I hear the crickets and lawnmowers singing their choruses languidly; I hear a pair of geese announcing preparations for migration.
I welcome the warm red fleece scarf that wraps me in a soft embrace.
I notice that my fingers though, hold tightly to these edges, to this cup.
I am Here, I am here, it is Now.
A moment of pause. A moment of resilience in shifting sands. I feel the spareness of Autumn’s approach. My gaze holds steady on the cup I hold still. I sit listening ~
Listening to my breath, my heart, my inner waves until I can again slide into trust and flow. I listen to the inner and the outer calls, seeking balance.
Today's fog has lifted; the skies have cleared, the light lingers here, at the day’s end, as the day turns to night.
Still, for now, I gaze within, into my cup of warmth, and listen to the circulating songs.
These songs remind me to exhale. To release this breath, to allow for and welcome this small death in a cycle of time, to balance both stillness and motion. To Be. Still. Allow. Motion. In the spareness I experiment ~ Breathe in this Equinox light , breathe out the tension, breathe in the unknown, breathe out the fear. Breathe in Life into this balance point of time, of change, breathe out stagnancy. Breathe in possibilities, breathe out history. Breathe in. And out.
I wonder, at times, like before the dark of moon, or before a seasonal shift like this one, what does it mean to Still be here? What does it mean to shift our attention to the rise and fall of our breath? What does it mean if, at times, that is All we can do, in this strange experience called life? Life shiftings and whorled changings can feel unnerving, disorienting.
Yet, Soon, we do become re-oriented to the new incantations, and to the rising and descending circles and singing rhythms.
The wheel shifts and We are here, and now. And breathing soon becomes more fluid. Once more we feel re-oriented to flow. One moment does flow into the next... and we learn to sing with that.
After this stretched moment of pause, after sitting to listen to these musical spheres, I discover I can answer my questions now. I find I say yes to the unknown path before me, yes to change, yes, to going deep deep into this creative, vulnerable changing ecstasy called life.

Pam Bernard
God, Catherine, this is so evocative, so lovely. Such wisdom here. Thank you.
Catherine Audette
Post authorThank you!! For your thoughts and expressing your response. I am so happy it touched and translated. It means a lot to me.
Carrie Walker
Lovely. Tea and breath. The sweet Now. The Yes.
Thank you.
Thank you for this much needed reminder. Your words are medicine.
Resilience indeed!
Funny how seeing that word written almost trips my mind into seeing it as:
Re-membering the Resiliency found in inner silence...
Catherine Audette
Post authorOh yes! how interesting! that word does bring the suggestion to the unconscious to turn within to the inner silence, doesn't it?! so helpful to see that- I do find soul-help in my deep inner silence where there is a knowing. Thank you again.
And thank you everyone for responding, it helps to deepen the conversations here among the trees and life on this planet.