Planet symphony

While visiting the forest, I stop to listen for songs.  I want to hear the songs from different individual tree communities.  I do this meditative walking during my favorite hour when the light is soft and sun is close to setting.  During this twilight hour my senses are sharper and clearer.  In the bright of day, distractions overwhelm my senses: bird songs, light playing with shadow and squirrels scampering. But at twilight, I can hone in to the sensations around a grouping in the forest.  My senses become keen.

Within the ecosystem of a forest,  there are many various groupings and homes for the energies of the forest beings.  A home may be trees encircling a wet spot, or the trees at the bottom of a slope. Or it may be defined more subtly as simply a natural stopping spot on the path.

As I walk at dusk, I stop now and then,  wait to listen to what is presented. Sometimes, I imagine I am "hearing/feeling" something new.  These new sounds are sometimes quite faint or dim.  As I pause, many questions arise: Will the sounds become brighter, louder, clearer over time? For example, I do notice that the trees that are noticed, attended to, and loved in a forest seem to grow brighter, fuller, stronger.  They Glow.

Further questions: Is the song I hear a function of the observer who is listening?  Does the quality of sound say more about my listening skills or the level of my quotient of receptivity to that vibration? Or does the level of sound reflect an actual vibration strength of the emission? Or is the answer both?

The trail of these questions leads me to the following thought: that as we humans learn to "tune in," to notice that what surrounds us, to pause and embrace it, we learn that what we sense is not Other, but a reflection of ourselves. We learn that we are one piece of this great cosmic planet. With attention and practice, we can grow in our skill to be in rhythm and harmony with this beautiful planet and our world.  It appears to me that our rising skills increase the harmony of planetary sound.  This thought brings great joy- that we can be co-participants and creators of the peace,  and beauty that belongs to this planet earth.

"As you begin to pay attention to the direction of the Conductor within, you will begin to play to the rhythm of the Planetary Symphony, harmonizing with others of your species, and with all of life."  Ken Carey


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