Every year, I discover an area in my garden where the wild thrives.
I leave these areas to tend to themselves, leaving them to manage and flourish in their own wisdom and design
Wherever, and whenever the wild appears, I do not wish to tame it. nor change it. Instead, I seek it, adore and revere it. In the moment of meeting, I feel the thrill of glimpsing into the mysterious wonders of our Dear Mother Earth. I witness at that moment how seemingly random synchronistic events can come together to make beautiful designs, geometry, and sacredness, just as it is, full of passion, ecstasy, and unfolding wonder.
Indeed, in my garden, the wonder unfolds through the seasons with ever changing color and beauty. In the image above, first a nettle green appears, new and cleansing, then a narcissus bliss bright and heady, later the promise of a daisy, and a bold dock, and at last a spread for Queen Ann's Lace, supported by the balm of bee. All this emerges from one wondrous, 12 inch square serendipitous patch of wild.
Grow, grow Dear Earth, in your direction and joy. Thank you dear Mother for allowing me entrance to this beauty; I revel in your freedom and beauty. And am deeply grateful.