The Beech tree
That is my topic today, in this writing ~ to give reverence to the majestic Beech Tree
When ever I come upon a Beech in the forest, I have the experience one might have when one meets a Beloved unexpectedly, on a walk or along one's daily path. I feel a rush of recognition that lifts my light. I feel a reaching between me and the tree that is both subtle and physical. The beauty, majesty and elegance of the Beech is the gift I hope to describe here. My reverence for this being persuades me to overcome any shyness or fear.
In the Spring, the Beech is one of the early trees to risk stretching their buds to the sun. In the image above, I am holding the magic of this act. From that golden bundle as many as seven leaflets and a stem may unfurl over the course of a few days or weeks, depending on the temperatures and light.
In the Spring, when this emergence is occurring, their golden tips shimmer like embers in the early Spring. The camera does not capture the way a Beech forest appears to twinkle thousands of fairy lights in the Spring light. It can feel quite ethereal in the ebbing light of twilight, or in the rain, when the water droplets on the buds catch the light and amplify it like a thousand golden crystal gems. A Forest of golden embers.
The buds emerge slowly out of their cocoon. When they do, they have a soft downy fuzz on them to protect them from the cold, or at least that is what I think it is. I love that stage. And can hardly resist trying to photograph it every year. (See photo section.)
Beech trees grow in community. When one enters a Beech enclave, the color of the light changes, adding to the sense of ethereal dimensional shifting. It feels like moving through watery light. Uplifting my spirit with the subtlety of this light and energy, bringing wordless wisdom and peace.
The branches are unique in the way they weave and intertwine as they grow, creating magical sacred geometry. Their flowing branches seem to follow paths of unseen energy waves. Awe at the design and unknowing sense of meaning sweeps over me. I often wonder to myself, "have you been singing your creation song, right here, all along? and only now, I have ears to hear?"
Before I end this reverie, I will also try to describe the way their leaves sound like the ocean waves when the wind moves through them. Indeed, the same waves of motion moving through the forest gives the appearance of ocean tides, swelling the waters of leaves to and fro, as the branches respond and play in the wind. The waves of motion sounds like the wind singing to the sea. Surely, few other trees are as likely to pull the wind to them as the Beech to communicate something to its neighbor as it joyfully passes the energy along from one branch to the next.
In Autumn, the leaves often choose to fall in one golden opportunity of splendor. When the winds and sun are just right, millions of golden leaves fly in the air and swirl to the currents that had played with them all summer. Free to float, they dance in these currents until they gracefully and slowly land creating a carpet of gold on the forest floor.
I could say more of their mysteries, but this post is already long and I wish to honor them by keeping my reverence as elegant as they.
I hope I came close to that goal~
Today, I toss restraint to the winds,
To the very winds that dance and play with the Beloved
To the tree and wind that create the song of creation together,
I ask, teach me also to dance with the song of creation, so free of care, so I too can toss to and fro in the delight of it all.