
When we choose peace, we initiate a journey of wholeness ~ C Clemmer

Though I witness it everyday, the opportunity to see the alacrity with which my thoughts create my reality, I still find my mind frequently busying itself with worry, like fingers on a rosary. It seems so strange to me that I would ever choose to entertain such companions rather than focusing on thoughts of miracles, peace and beauty. One might even call such worry thoughts as indulgence, one might even call it an addiction. Sigh, it certainly feels reckless to choose thoughts that do not reflect the peace I desire. But there you have it ~ there are times when my mind dances with partners that I would rather not even have as company in my living room!

There exists much research demonstrating how the way we think is what we will find as the "Real" "Truth," the "Real" reality. (Just look at politics as an example of this phenomena). Where you focus is indeed WHAT you WILL see: Endless obsession over anything? You will discover more of that. Imagining endless possibilities or miraculous blessings? You find them! (SO why am I not imagining the next possible miracle that could cross my path?!!)

And all this thought/worry? It takes me far, far FAR away from the present moment of now, the now that brings me home to me.

One recent afternoon, when I discovered that I had such bedfellows as my companions, in desperation, to shift me back to the present, I took myself and my camera outside. Something about my camera brings me back to the now by helping me see beauty, even if is indirect; but hey, I am a Cancer, I walk sideways to my destination!!!

So I started looking for what was beautiful in my environment, and I landed on the flower seen above. That did the trick, I was in more equanimity again; but it was not until later when I looked at my photos that I saw the quintessence of self-possession, nowness, magic contained in that flower. The flower feels like an angel of peace itself ~ and there it flies in my garden.

Adding to the magic of that moment, that flower happens to also be one that starts as one color and transforms in its life into a myriad of several other colors.~ Imagine that!! ~ The ability to change identities with ease? The ability to release one form for another with grace? The skill to allow the story of one's identity to unfold with a relaxed self-acceptance? Wow. That feels miraculous. I feel grateful for my roaming mind that day; it got me running out of my home, out of my routine in search of nowness. There, when I stopped long enough to Pause and notice, I found a miracle: an example of unfurling into evolution with beauty and grace.

A miracle in my garden that I may not have noticed, if I had not stopped.

Well, I shall try to imagine more self-acceptance today. I shall attempt to embrace change and its evolution with wonder~ I shall embrace the unfolding of beauty in this day. However it presents.

~What more wonderful miracles can I imagine now?

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