The Divine Spark

While the moon eclipsed the sun today over the Southern most lands of Argentina and Chile, quiet snows fell gently on the moist Northeastern woods. To my watery soul those two expressions of the Divine felt very similar, an expression of solidarity. A pause in the sun for both of us, an inward pull to our own light in the shadow of the moon and clouds. Though the former is more dramatic and all encompassing on a grander level. Both bless with equal magic and beauty.

And a southern eclipse! How symbolic~ Where the divine spark can begin anew in the void, made and held by the dark of the moon. Held for releasing, to allow for the inevitable and subsequent renewal. Endings making way for new beginnings. And all this occurs over the Southern pole. How beautiful for the Earth. This doorway inspires possibilities.

Come, come fly with me, to those Southern lands.
Let's fly home to knowing
that we are creator/Createss,
Infinite expressions of life,
and never bound to those imagined, fear driven nights,
that held us captive by the magnitude of our own fears.
Come, come fly with me,
On Angelwings that are growing unnoticed on our backs.
While it is dark, we can practice laughing as we die to the old selves, so that when we return, return to the light, something new can grow.
There we can create with creation ki-self
For we are, and always have been one, with beautiful creation,
and creator/ess in One,
Seeking the void in the ever unfolding of life.

We may forget as happens on this Earth, that we have the tools for creating life in the dark; we may forget that we Are that divine Spark of life, unfolding and flowering in every moment, on and on in and eternal cycle of Love. This we may forget, until in remembering, we rejoin the dance.

Today, a special day, let's unite the sides within, and bring north and south, and divine expressions of color and forms together as one. Bringing dark and light together in their perpetual dance of Life and Void. Remembering we are not alone, nor ever are we without the tools to bring new light and life out of the unknown. For that is the grace and mystery of life.


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