I live in a cozy small yurt who sits on a platform above the ground. The frost has been so deep this year that the floors are shifting with the cyclic freeze and thaw to create creaking and booms in the night. My cat jumped last night with a particularly loud boom. Now, the shifting and heaving is enough that I discovered that my door can't quite fully close. : ) Happy discovery!
So, I let it stay ajar, to allow what wants to flow in and out, have free reign, letting the gentle ethers, the spring sprites and the wisps come and go as they please. Oh, and the birds too- oh yes, another flew in this morning, and left much more decidedly than the last one.... Must have had better places to go.
I know this new norm is so ephemeral that I delight in it, knowing this precious time will shift again. Soon, the earth will level to a new calibration. For now, I ride the ups and downs with pleasure. Finding balance within and without.
Here are some photos showing what that the shifting of balance looks like in my woods this Equinox day.

And for your pleasure, I also wrote musings on Equinox, a time of finding inner balance to the new outer balance, on my Venus Muse and seasonal pages.
Blessings, Happy Equinox and so much love to all of you.
Barbara R Andrews
Catherine, loved this blog of yours today.. especially our typical NH mud season roads and the geese overhead. I keep listening for them to reach our skies here in West Keene. They love to land in the cemetery adjacent to our apt. complex. And then all of a sudden, it's spring... a friend has already posted her robin picture for this day. Till next time, Peace & love, Barb