In Honor of the Early Yellow
Every where that I look today, I see Yellow. The leaves shimmering a delicate yellowish green. The last 3 remaining tulips bright and fresh in my garden also shine Yellow. All of them saying to me, "notice Me!"
Yellow ~ The color of courage, the color of a daisy's heart, of a dandelion's smile, of buttercup's reflection.
Yellow ~ the color of the solar plexus chakra, and in Chinese medicine, the Spleen.
What is the message that all this vibration wishes to give? Though I do try to listen, I do not feel clear ... Perhaps it is because there is, a storm lingering on the edges of my perception today. I can not name it, nor encapsulate it. I only can feel and almost see it. The physical Sun (ALSO associated with the Color Yellow, in crayon art) is moving in and out from behind the various clouds. The clouds, in all shades of light and dark, do not linger either. Something unseen blows these winds that lifts the delicate newly emerged grass and leaves. Something unseen blows in these winds.
Yes, indeed, me and my inner barometer remain unsettled. I know that this storm just won't come today; So... no.... No relief from that particular pressure.
Instead, I ask myself, what else? What is the best path through this day of yellow that honors the seen and unseen? Where is the flow today?
Looking around, I see that when the wind stirs, the trees dance, and when the wind stops, ALL is so Still. All pauses so deeply, as if listening. So, I follow suit, and listen.
Here is the inner wisdom that follows ~ If yellow could sound a call, what would I hear? The ancient systems of study say that Hooo is the sound of the Spleen, and Mi, (as in do, re, mi) the note of the solar plexus, and AHA! ~ remembering more ~ RAM is the sacred sound of the solar plexus!
RAM, wow, that indeed is a sacred sound. Of course.
Ram, the inner call, and the answer. Diving deeper in and into the vibration of color, and there, the infinite appears. In this case, the movement of light and color created a vibratory sound that called. And I heard. Sound, by creating movement created change. Sound and color change matter and form; Sound and color together can and do change us.
I guess my friends the plants felt I needed this point to be VERY clear. For which I am ever so grateful. I Did need to hear them, I did need to hear the sacred, and in "hearing" it without, I then hear it within.
I put my trust in these plants. I put my trust also in the Vibrations that change me every so mysteriously.
This may be one of those days when the gift is to profoundly whisper the sacred sounds of yellow, To breathe in that shiny brightness, breathe in that golden glow until my innards glow so bright as a daisy. Then exhale and whisper the sacred mystery of RAM, RAM, RAM. Breathe in again the fresh light, and then once more change form in the mere exchange of light, sound and breath, exhaling A sacred sound that is a mystery beyond our understanding.
Thank you mysteries of the divine in All

There are more photos in the Seasonal photo section for your perusal.
Also, Mercury goes retrograde soon. It seems in retrogrades, I become less likely to post. Though I do often still contribute to the Venus muse page. If you find you are wishing for more to read- You may find new ideas explored on those page in the coming weeks. Namaste and Blessings ~*~