More musings on the question of weeds...
Today, I walked into my garden after a lovely night-full of gentle rain. I walked out curious to see who had arrived.
To see how the greendom had welcomed the rain. And who had visited in its mist.
I wonder if everywhere if the plants are blooming as they are here, in bigger and bigger displays of life, opening us to the bigger picture of life, informing us to the strength of reveling in life, in diversity and joy.
Now, before I say more, I must explain that my garden is a compilation of friends, most of whom arrive on their own volition. A few planted on mine ~ The nettles mix with the snap peas, and the dandelion leaves drape over the mustard. Today a new St Johns wort pokes up between the lettuce. Mmm, how did you get here??
So, as you see, All are welcome to the garden.
All invited either by me or by a force much bigger than me ~ Invited to participate in the game of life. And when they arrive, they come as emissaries with wisdom and blessings for my garden and my wild heart.
The St John's wort arrived last night; who knows who will arrive on the breeze tonight, brought from the wild beautiful unknown...
I believe in the wisdom of welcoming these strangers, the unknown, and the unacknowledged to our homes and life to expand our understandings and perspectives of living and living in harmony with all.
Because, you see, I know, If they come, they come sent with information, medicine, and wisdom to share. And I welcome them all. In their midst, I can practice celebrating the beauty and complexity that exists in diversity. Not always easy, nor comfortable. And sometimes difficult to manage, with varying levels of success, the differing needs of all present.
Even still, I do and will celebrate this wild unknown, unplanned, unforeseen, and always mysterious.
This compelling song of mystery,
May it sing free in my garden, bringing with herself, the teaching of the medicine of discomfort, the teaching of the medicine of surprise, the teaching of the unknown and misunderstood. The teaching of the blessing of abundance.
I welcome this banquet to my garden. There is much still to learn here and today, so far, I've found the St Johns wort.

Some more beautiful Photos showing surprising gifts can be found in Seasonal photos
Being open to the gifts and force of nature’s gifts and accepting the unknown = enlightened!
Catherine Audette
Post authorAhh, Excellent point. I hadn't quite put my finger on that realization, but that is often mystics describe realizing the divinity within. Thank you. Certainly, you too, are on that path!
♥️? ?