The Earth Mother reflects herself in the trees, in all plants, the air, the light and water. She creates herself again and again in and through all of this. All to show you you, and allow you to experience her through nature.
In this body of nature, you exist and are a gift from Nature to the Universe.
Cherish all of you.
Indeed, your body is the reflection of the Earth. Cherish both.
Ahh, the Sun pauses a little longer in the sky today over this precious Earth.
The wind blows free and buoyant, lifting the heat and my spirit.
The prophesied Rainbow circles the sun, casting wonder on the Earth
I pause in such a time of Wonder.
How is it that the Sun can not only shine the strongest today, (in the northern hemisphere at least,) it also can create a self-made rainbow? Light shining through some unseen prism multiplies and refracts into colored light.
A miracle. This light, this day, offers an opportunity to revel in all the colors, all the perspectives and all the paths.
All the blessings.
Light revealing "itself" as a many colored expression, is a miraculous gift indeed.
Today is a path of the light, and the rainbow, in which to dance, heal, and rest in the infinite arms of infinite love.
Draw deep from the well of love that shines through today's magic. No words can encompass it all, only love can come close to allowing the infinite. Let that light rest boldly in all of the nooks and crannies, even if the same light reveals cracks and wounds in need of attention. Love yourself right up. There is time enough for all to reveal its beauty.
The solstice is brilliance and guidance all in one. Let the waters flow, let the light shine bright, even if it feels unbearable, let the path unfold in brilliance and inspiration.

Venus muse, also has some new thoughts, as well as photos....
love to you all
Catherine, your words today have brought me such inspiration and joy. Thank you for the gift of you! Love, Dano