This piece of writing is a little off from my normal reflections, not too far off, just a little more conceptual, or perhaps more abstract.
I have been contemplating the ancient symbol of the Caduceus. I find it mysterious and magnetic; it's often considered the wand carried by Hermes (also known as Mercury,) who is the God of communication, who delivers messages to and from the Divine; it is also a symbol of magical alchemy that brings two forces into the One.
The symbol itself, two snakes spiraling up a staff, with wings at the top, has always made me think of Mercury's fleetness. The staff itself represents the spine, and the spiraling snakes as the inherent dual force of yin/yang within us, the flow that keeps the life force moving. Discerning the path forward is a balance of opposites. If we ever separate yin from yang, we would have death.
One source describes the wings on the staff as representation of the angels that fly up our spine when the energy rises there. Some see the snakes similar to the two sleeping snakes of kundalini at the base of our spine, ready to rise when the light and dark is balanced within; or when our own vision of our very own divinity clears.
My muse brings me to consider these Forces within, the ones that we balance in order to achieve inner and outer balance of body-mind-spirit. In humans, such balance feels like life-time(s) of magic and art. It certainly feels like it requires magic to balance the contradictory aspects of humanity and divinity within. Yet, it is also my belief that that is the very thing humans are asked to do on this planet. It is also my belief that the inner balance is needed before out balance is seen.
What if like a magician, we could pull the answer out of the hat in front of us? The answer to our questions, to the puzzles and conundrums? What if like the magician, we must have insight, faith and internal focus to listen and believe that what we need is right here, within reach, within ourselves.
In Chinese Medicine, the map of our bodies is a reflection of the Universe. We, like the universe, have orbits of energy, and nervous light systems. (Our very own electromagnetic field!) We have grids, connective lines of contact, and vibrational influence. (Fascia, muscle and nerves.) As Nature uses the forces of yin and yang to bring balance, vitality and maintain life on this planet, so do we. As we learn from one, we begin to understand the other. As we nourish and heal one, we nourish and heal the other. Our path of self-awareness, of finding solutions for health and wholeness is a sacred path gifting to the universe. One opens the door for abundance in the other. One opens Life and vitality in the other.
(oh my the baby raven just hooted right near my window as I wrote that. I will save the story of those new cavorting winged ones for another blog!)
And one more thought on this line of musings- Daoists believe that humans come from the cosmic dust. We are made of the same material as the stars. What a thought. "We are the flower that receives heavenly light and dust, and roots ourselves into the earth creating an unending line of connection."
With the recent increase in magnetic activity from the Sun, not to mention the stars, and the Solstice itself, the cosmos appears to be emphasizing the abundance of light shining to Earth and all who dwell on her. The message is sinking in.
For all that I feel so much gratitude. Absorbing cosmic light, Light and dark within finding balance, and help from the cosmos and each other all helping us discern the way forward. That indeed feels like Magic climbing up the Spine in an alchemy of life. I am grateful.