After days and days of rain, in which the Land turned into spongy ground and arks started to rise, the sun emerged.
Absence of the sun, has made the gift of shadows themselves feel miraculous. I was a drunken smiling fool snapping pictures of the shadows of petals and leaves, marveling at all of the light and shadow. I forgot how beautiful our shadows are.
I also forgot how it takes both light and dark to create enough contrast to see them; how it takes light to make a reflection.
Here is a photo montage of the days that followed the floods in Vermont.
And for those who may have wondered about the follow up on the hummingbirds... They did calm some with the sun shining, and a few more arrived to share the abundance.
Drinking in the light and dark ~

Blessings to all of you
If interested in more musings see Venus Muse