~ Pronounce "SITH-ur-iz-m"
~ The gift of the sound of wind in the trees and the peace it brings ~

We had quite a storm
As many of you know.
The changes that a storm brings, reveal themselves as a tapestry might unfold ~ Slowly, reverently and with varying layers and threads. Stories that unfold over time. Stories with many questions and mysteries.
I wonder about these changes, so I went into the woods today, to ask the trees, their perspective on the flooding.
The first thing that I notice is that the ground feels so soft beneath my feet and I feel a hush. I walk carefully and gently. I also notice that the waters washed areas of duff down stream into funneled overflowings from the downpour of water. The water had to go somewhere and the forest embraced this moving wall of water with grace. There is evidence where the forest funneled the waters into streams; these streams poured over shale shelves, and mossy stone, into fallen logs and through stonewalls. These waters poured and poured.
On this forest floor, where the waters left a trail of their weaving path, where the waters shed the strongest, there is a visible intricate weaving of root systems that held the precious soil down and intact. The fallen logs also deterred a complete loss of the precious duff. Life held the center.
Where the land is wettest, the breeze is strongest. Most likely there is a scientific understanding for the cause of this delightful idiosyncrasy of wind. To me, the forest is bringing the wind in, calling the wind in, to help to dry the saturated root system.

After the storm, I worried for the birds ~ They improvised a musical choir the following night, demonstrating their gratitude for life.
I worried for the mice ~ Evidence in my garden shows they survived.
I worried for the prowling creatures ~ The turned-over compost bin suggests that they too found higher ground
Life held the center, and the change offered transformation. We are not alone, instead, we have many allies guiding and aiding us on this unknown path of life.
Perhaps the lesson is Trust. Trust in the transformational abilities inherent in change. Waterfalls are mighty agents of change, and also of beauty and abundance.
And the forest? What is most noticeable is the peace.
A deep peace
The breeze rustles in the tree tops and caresses my cheek.
Cooling me on this hot August day. The trees seem content with their community, their collaboration, their gifts of song that susurrate in the gentle wind. The soundscape alone is a healing balm.
I gently, quietly leave the forest today. Grateful as always for the opportunity to listen and witness the forest and ki's contribution to balance, peace and health. Grateful, and curious how I too can offer this kind of gift to the planet and life.