I do wish you could be here tonight; then you could hear the way the wind carries on and laughs.
I wish you could hear this gentleness, and notice too, as I do, that this moment of wonder comes at dusk, when the world shifts into a new light, and when all perception stills.
I shall imagine you are here, with me, listening,
and in your imagination, you will feel this wonder yourself.
And then you may notice the wind's magical conversations between the trees, and the way that they brush each other's crowns in undulating dances. You may notice too, how the conversations start afar and bloom into waves.
I know you would understand how it all causes me to stop and listen. I know you too, would pause and relish the ineffable here, in the night's wind. And in pausing, as I do, feel tempered.
There is a world of sound within these breezes, easy conversations between individuals and groups, dances wisping along from tree to tree, lingering here, jumping there. This moment of motion and sound creates a moment of in-betweens, between now and, now.
By "in-between", I mean to describe when everything appears to pause, and, simultaneously All exists in a breath; When the known is suspended and all dreams feel possible, when laughter and sighing can breathe themselves at once.
I can feel this suspension when the wind lifts my hair and brushes my skin; or when the elements mingle and the lines of separation blur; when light of known fades gradually into the dusk of unknown. There is a freedom inherent in these moments. When the structure that holds anything into hardened constancy loses its firm grip, allowing the simultaneous existence and intermingling of all ideas and elementals. When rules lift and the impossible becomes possible.
One feels a sense of freedom
This moment feels like butter melting on toast,
like the laughter on a stream, like waking up smiling,
like a surprise that you can never have guessed.
It feels like a deep deep breath that reaches down to the depths of your being.
The breeze calls me again to the present, to now; I DO wish, no.... I imagine you hear all this, that you too can imagine the possible now, and dance your dream.
This feeling, you must feel to know.
I hope you do feel it now, and it turns you around, and you land smiling, breathing and maybe laughing, refreshed, relieved, relaxed.
That is how the trees seem, the ones that gently guide and glide this wind ~ relaxed, refreshed and joyous.
And the trees, the trees... they smile in their wisdom, their playfulness, and their magnificence

Now, the dark falls, covering more.
The trees quiet
The wind ~I still feel it tugging at my hair
I still feel,
I still
I stay longer,
listening some more
And now, Smelling the rain, that the trees knew would come all along,
I smile.
Aha! Like the dancers before a procession, or a troupe in celebration, they danced before the waters, dancing their dreams to now.
And if you wish to read more of the adventures of this Autumn, there are shorter pieces in Venus Muse
Thank you so much for your poetic reminder.....
much needed.