Happy Equinox
The wheel of the year turns, bringing us to a new season, one of balance between inner and outer, Daylight and night, harvest and rest. Dreaming and building. When opposites require dialogue, respect and notice. In this moving wheel, we explore and regain inner and outer balance.
So in honor of the season, I post a something different for your own musing, with questions and photos.
What does Balance mean to you?
How to balance between light and dark,
Play and gravity
Work and rest,
Dreaming and building,
Creation and surrender?
I wonder if there is a continuum of balance to seek between
Holding and releasing,
Vision and Illusion, fog, (I originally wrote unknown, both work...),
Lost and found
Growth and decay,
Faith and fear,
Trust and questions?
Earth and Sky, Water and Air, Heat and Coolness, Fire and Earth, Water and Fire?
These are the questions I pause on today.
Much love to you ~ Photos from full moon night of a couple days ago ~