Author Archives: Catherine Audette

locust 5

The Black Locusts are blooming.

This statement cannot adequately describe the transcendent beauty that is on display at this time of year. It is a tribute to the gift of Beauty.  It is a tribute to the Eternal Universal Presence.

The pendulous blooms of the Black Locust tree appear toward the end of Spring.  Initially, their arrival is quiet.  One may notice their presence by a gentle whiff of an incredible sweetness unparalleled. In a few days, the sweetness of the blossoms is traveling everywhere, filling acres of land with its intensity.  Its very scent blankets the region.

The blooming also brings a visual splendor for the mass of blooms cover the entire tree, transforming it into a vision of white incandescence.  Locusts grow in clusters and family groupings since they can sprout from their roots. Therefore, when you see one bedazzled tree you are likely to see an entire group of them - standing together in a procession of beauty, transforming the roadside, the hillside, the corner store, or the turn in the road.

Growing as such, their inner biological clock is intimately synchronized. On cue, every Locust tree in a localized area turns white overnight, declaring out loud their beauty and presence. They celebrate their bond visibly with extraordinary splendor.   It's like an overnight flashmob of color and scent announcing the most important event, the most important experience of the Universe:  We are here.  We have a truth to share and we are beautiful to Behold.

locust 2In turn, we humans find ourselves wandering with wonder - gazing more frequently at the hillsides, seeking the locusts to find their beauty and prevalence. We remember once more how deeply grateful we are to the trees; we remember that they have a great deal to teach us about the value of life and living in creation of beauty.  "Let my scent infuse you with visions of hope, dreams, and possibilities."

More metaphors come to mind.  For most of the year, the invisible ties which hold them together are underground, and even unconscious.  Their inner beauty is only a dream. Then, on cue, their intrinsic connection creates a visible flow of profundity.  

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They are teaching us an awareness of creation that is always present within even if it feels hidden.  The inner and outer design of magnanimous bounty is reciprocal.  The scent that weaves between each one of us, holding us together in a single consciousness, is reflected in the Locusts that are blooming. They are teaching us intuitively about the gift of connection and the network that holds us all together. Teaching us again to live in a flow within that invisible network of support.

Their message is : transcendence.  The beauty that you behold without is within.  The conscious creation of life is accessible and within us all. The song of your soul is transforming you and me.  As my beauty transforms your day, yours transforms mine.

While visiting the forest, I stop to listen for songs.  I want to hear the songs from different individual tree communities.  I do this meditative walking during my favorite hour when the light is soft and sun is close to setting.  During this twilight hour my senses are sharper and clearer.  In the bright of day, distractions overwhelm my senses: bird songs, light playing with shadow and squirrels scampering. But at twilight, I can hone in to the sensations around a grouping in the forest.  My senses become keen.

Within the ecosystem of a forest,  there are many various groupings and homes for the energies of the forest beings.  A home may be trees encircling a wet spot, or the trees at the bottom of a slope. Or it may be defined more subtly as simply a natural stopping spot on the path.

As I walk at dusk, I stop now and then,  wait to listen to what is presented. Sometimes, I imagine I am "hearing/feeling" something new.  These new sounds are sometimes quite faint or dim.  As I pause, many questions arise: Will the sounds become brighter, louder, clearer over time? For example, I do notice that the trees that are noticed, attended to, and loved in a forest seem to grow brighter, fuller, stronger.  They Glow.

Further questions: Is the song I hear a function of the observer who is listening?  Does the quality of sound say more about my listening skills or the level of my quotient of receptivity to that vibration? Or does the level of sound reflect an actual vibration strength of the emission? Or is the answer both?

The trail of these questions leads me to the following thought: that as we humans learn to "tune in," to notice that what surrounds us, to pause and embrace it, we learn that what we sense is not Other, but a reflection of ourselves. We learn that we are one piece of this great cosmic planet. With attention and practice, we can grow in our skill to be in rhythm and harmony with this beautiful planet and our world.  It appears to me that our rising skills increase the harmony of planetary sound.  This thought brings great joy- that we can be co-participants and creators of the peace,  and beauty that belongs to this planet earth.

"As you begin to pay attention to the direction of the Conductor within, you will begin to play to the rhythm of the Planetary Symphony, harmonizing with others of your species, and with all of life."  Ken Carey


I awaken early these last few days to pray with the Thrush as they sing in our woods.  Their gentle song accompanies my paintbrush with filigree and delight. I feel I am in the woods with them honoring the Spirit of the Forest.


The other night, just past dusk (one of my favorite times of the day), I was walking through the forest.  The wind was noticeably absent, creating a deep quiet. The light was present enough to see the contrasts.  Color was almost, but not quite gone. Each trunk, outlined, tall and clear was so Very Visible to me as both individuals beings and an individual expression of something larger.  A soft muted glow existed in the surrounding space from the translucent light of the new leavesI felt as though I was seeing the Forest of tree beings for the first time - with both their individual and interconnectedness selves present. The muting grey and shading of the growing dark contributed to this sense.  As I paused to admire this interconnectedness, I felt a sound.  It pulled on my cellular being.  The sound moved through the body up and skyward.

I felt it first in my heart chakra and then the third eye and crown.  It created movement within. This "sound" had a feel to it.  Was it an expression of that moment in time, and from those trees? Was I singing too on that level? I wondered how we might harmonize with this "song".  How might my song sing in tune to their song?


I find there to be beautiful synchrony that I should be writing and creating a site in honor of trees at a time in their cycle when they themselves are blooming and emerging to increased visible beauty and productivity.  They have transitioned as I prepare this page from dormancy to swelling buds, flowers and new leafy beauty.

The wind caresses their leaves with gentleness now, as I write.  It is a gentleness that we humans forget to give to our selves and others.

That same breeze now lifts my face so soft.  The new leaves of the Beech tremulously and expressively as Aspen does.  As if the wind tickles the tree in play.


The Pine trees wave above them like Palm trees would in warmer climates, gliding across the  skyline with ease in the rustling wind.

At the time of this writing, most trees have begun to bud in the Northern climate.  Even the oak and ash in many spots have tentatively swollen their buds.  The locust and larch are still dormant.  This welcome change in season comes after a very cold and long winter in the Northeast in which we had The Abundance of snow.  During the winter days the mere miracle of a warm day seemed untenable much less imaginable.  The Maple Sap, as dependable as Spring,  ran a month later than usual.

Nevertheless, the trees have caught up, eagerly opening in this glorious sun.  The migrating birds seemed to all return in preparation of the magic of the massive leaf blooming. Their presence adds to the magic and joy of the forest.

There is a sympatico between the trees and the birds, the wind and the sky. And to live with in this balance is heaven.

The trees give the appearance of  dormancy this March/April as winter fluctuates from Spring to Winter and back again. But indeed they are actually feeding from their roots as we may well be. Drinking in deep from the waters of mother earth to nourish their souls, their souls' purpose and souls' loves.

These pursuits are likely one and the same.

Today I heard this Message from two pines on my walk:

Listen to the sound of our roots:
How you spend your time and What you draw from your roots, you dance into the sky.  Draw from the source that brings eternal hope and joy.  Drink from the waters that feed and nourish your dance of hope, of love. Listen to the sounds of Your roots.   Nourish your love, and your joy. Amen.

And after a pause I heard more: Drink from your own wellspring.

We would be best nourished from waters of our own wellspring to feed our soul’s purpose and soul's loves, that being one and the same thing.

and soul's loves, which is one and the same.


It has been my devotion to visit the mountain nearby and listen to the wisdom there.  One winter-ends day, I sat on my cushion and listened.  My physical ears could hear a faint crinkle, seeping sound.  I realized I was hearing the already thin ice in the winter sun melting into the thawing earth.

I stayed still to listen.  Then I heard this counsel: I can let the water that is seeping into the earth itself, also nourish My roots.  This seems like vital news on this day when winter has made me thin in longing for growth, change, and visible fruit of my labor.

After sharing these thoughts with a fellow traveler, the insights multiplied to include further aspects of our being.  The insights are based on a 5 element understanding of our constitutions.  Here is the summary:

The water that is seeping through the earth to my roots, feeds them which in turn feed the wood of my being.  The wood grows, allowing the fire to burn stronger and safer,  revealing the true metal within me.

At the end of this long winter, with shiftings within ourselves, our communities and the Earth  I welcome rediscovering my own elements within.