"Oh, to love what is lovely, and will not last!!
What a task
to ask

to ask of anything, or anyone,

yet it is ours,
and not by the century or the year, but by the hours."
from Snow Geese, by Mary Oliver

The birds quiet. I hear sweet reminders of them as they search for food, and sing to the dawn, and to life itself. And I know that their stay in my homelands is winding down. I pause often, to listen; I pause because in my historic body, I know that I feel their leaving and will miss them. I seek to appreciate, rejoice, relish and celebrate every single second I have with them before they migrate South.

It seems, that every year, when they lift off and fly to their winter homes, when the winds of time and Spirit call then on, I notice their absence keenly; I will feel that moment within like a bell announcing an ending.

Yes, this time of year also brings many other gifts. Autumn harvests and brisk nights. Still, in my heart, I also feel the pang of grief and of loss, as these Summer messengers leave their summer grounds, and head for their winter homes.

That day approaches, it may even have already begun for certain species.

In some indigenous languages, different birds have different functions, to call in the rain, or sun, to bring life and renewal. To the traditional Q’eqchi’, bird vocalization are communications with the mountain-valley gods themselves. Bird songs and calls reflect prayers, praises, thanksgiving, announcements, and omens. As servants of the divine, birds bring revelations. I feel that reverence and service with them and from them, in the waking dawn, the bright day, and the quieting twilight

So I listen closely. Now, here, is the chirping of the thrush deepening in the earlier twilight, the busy buzz of the hummingbird siblings diving for flowers and feeder to "fatten up" before their long flights south, and the whining of the catbird calling their young home. Many songs do indeed still drift in my open door at dawn and twilight. Soon it will be quiet and still.

When that day arrives, and chill of winter knocks, I will embrace a different music. Today, it is the songs of the birds I seek. And for the day when they lift off, following their own call, I will sing this prayer for them~

Goodbye Sweet birds, for now,
I will scribble messages in the sky for your to read as you fly
And I will look for messages from you.

May you find and follow the bliss of your heart
May the Angels travel with you
And bring you Safe winds and safe landings

I still,
And, I look forward to when
You Sail home
and your songs fill the gardens
of my heart once more.

2 thoughts on “

  1. Barbara R Andrews

    Catherine, I've also been noticing the songs of the birds more and more and those who are in the midst of leaving. Thank you for your posts, always.


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