
Recently, on my way to work, I looked up the hill and saw the flower in the above image. The word that instantly popped into my mind, as I passed this goddess on the hill was ~ "Regeneration."

I love that word, as some of you may have heard me say before. And I understood why that word emerged. It suggests so much possibility; the notion of regeneration challenges our preconceptions of limitation. And here, in the midst of an aging plant, emerging from a bush in the process of surrendering to the changes of the season, is a symbol of new growth and new life. I saw there, standing strong, tall, and reaching for the sun, above all the rest of the aging blossoms, a resurgence of hope.

A clarion call to us all.

Interesting timing. When many systems are seemingly failing. And for some, hope feels thin. How amazing that nature can show us so clearly, that one never knows what beauty, what wonder, what new life is around the corner, or up the hill. One can never fully grasp all the possibilities present in any situation, circumstance or experience. One can only begin to dream of the possibilities that will emerge from now into new life.

Now, to be honest, I saw this bloom a little more than a week ago, when the planet of my muse was slowing Waay down. Nonetheless, I felt that the plant itself still wanted to give you her message of hope today, regardless of the delay.

And, for sure, I want to be clear, that I love hydrangea flowers in all of her stages. I call this bush the Trifold goddess, in honor of the transformation of her blooms. What starts out as a white blossom transforms into pink blush, and then at last stage, as seen above, into a majestic burnished redwood color.

So, as best as I can translate, what I feel from the message of regeneration is as follows here ~

Life persists in all storms, in all climates, in all biomes.
Life Springs forth eternally.
Life endures beyond our failed plans, and our dashed visions.
And Life reaches for the Light.

Earth has created endless variations to celebrate the creative possibilities and to celebrate life.
Life endures, even beyond belief.

Transformation is an unseen project, felt, yes. The changes happen in the dark. The fruit emerges into the light.

Here, on this hill is a new bloom that emerges to greet the sun, long after all the other blooms had long evolved into the crone version of life. Long after the other blooms had lost the shininess of newness.

Life revisits the canvas, bringing in something never seen before.
The never seen before flower that emerges from a bush top, may emerge from under the ashes, or even the broken heart.

What we know to be life may and most likely will transform,
like a phoenix from the ashes, still from the ashes, life emerges new, and even glorious.
Even if it doesn't, and won't, feel all that wonderful during the burning times.

The answer to how this transformation is to occur, is most likely in waiting, watching, wondering, flowing, and yes, burning.

So for me, for the children, for life~ I will hold faith in these transformative times, in life, and in regeneration.

Thank you for reading and enjoying this blog, feel free to share your thoughts. Also, if new to here, I would love to hear how you found the blog. We are enriched by the beauty of all of us.

more photos in the seasonal photo section.

Namaste and Love

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