
Happy 11/11 day. A double digit day, and a palindrome, a moment that mirrors itself. I like to think of it as an opportunity to align with the truth of our true nature, of who we are. And then, to walk into that truth, no matter what has happened in our day, week or year. No matter what has been surrendered, like the baring of the tree in the above picture after leaf fall, a baring in your life from life, combed down to the beautiful essential you.

We tend to lean on structures and definitions in life, hoping they will support our sense of self, our sense of security, our sense of self-definition and comfort, and they even seem to be stable to us,
until they aren't.

And the word "Structure" is an interesting contradiction in itself, a contradiction in a single term. On one hand, structures are built to Last, when, in fact, all structures by nature, are in constant flux, neither stable nor unmoving. In constant change. That is the healthy function of matter, to grow and fruit and then decay.

Take the example of our bones. We imagine the bones of our body to be solid. We think of them as defined and immutable structures to lean on. We imagine them as the structure, support and staying power for the motion, creation, and connection we crave.

Yet in actuality, bones are in a constant state of flow and flux. Moving between decay and creation at every moment; between destruction and construction (using the finely tuned balance of osteoblasts and osteoclasts.) They make themselves anew everyday. They are fluid-filled bendable vessels of creation. The bones of the skeleton, are truly a gift in a nebulous state of firmness, a vascular whirlpool of motion in motion. A fluid gyroscope in change. This ability to balance between death and rebirth is the very element that gives them their strength.

If they lose this balance, they become either too brittle, or too immovable.

The flow of death and rebirth, the maintenance of the balance destruction and creation, of yin and yang, is also the very element that gives us our strength too, our true resiliency. We, everyone of us has this flow within.

What may appear solid, may actually be a fluid vehicle of light. A reflection of the source of light. Vibration and light meeting in the ground substance of you. A gift in motion and flow.

As we define our corner of the world, to gain more sense of control, order, stability, we may miss the true gift of ourselves ~ that we are a moment in flow, in change and in surrender. We are falling forward, with each step. We are harmony of sound in motion. Release and allow for the unstructured puddling into this formlessness of this gift, a creative black hole of possibility, as well as the generation of form.

All that we see, lean on, is but an egg or seed for the next creation. Bones of possibilities Are our seeds, what will you plant with these resources?

What will you create from the bones before you? How will you puddle into the arms of the All that embraces your every step ?

Namaste, Thank you, So much Love

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