The sun nestles comfortably below the treeline today, on her trip around the universe; the filtered light that comes through the branches, begins to fade by 2:30. Often this time of sinking, signals a message to move into hibernation mode to welcome the dark. Or, as it does today, the shift provides an unseen signal to stir up a few snow squalls before the dark of the solstice winter night arrives. All this hazy filtered light and delicate lightness of water create a cozy invitation to move to the hearth of our souls.

This between time, so full of secrets, brings stillness and gifts. There were hints of change this morning when the day arrived, coming in with pink blushes. And the dusk lingered longer in the evergreens creating misty webs, suggesting hidden gifts yet to be unwrapped. The day woke with a secret smile. blushing, imagining the gifts to come. The forest smiled and sighed, conjuring up gentle winds laden with snowflakes creating beauty. I can feel something wonderful arriving as I stretch myself into waking, when peak out on the day filled with water crystals. This gentle wind, the drifting snowflake, muffled sounds, holds us in suspension. I find myself asking, what if the impossible wonderful, is possible? The secret is still hidden from view; soon the clouds will lift and then we will see what may be possible, what may be wonderful and new. What may feel like a new creation unveiled.
I hold hope for these dreams and creations
I listen at day's doorstep, listening, smiling in hope of the unknown. I will to wait until the day is ready to reveal her secrets. And As the day unwinds, I will be unapologetically like my feline companion, who watches with curiosity and then returns to circle up closer to the fire; I will rest with fierceness, and trust in the goodness of the day, to bring something miraculous.
For all we love both in body and those who are in Spirit, Happy Solstice - May the fires 🔥 within be kindled anew