As the dance between Winter and Spring continues in these lands, tossing back and forth, with Winter cold rising and then turning over once more to Spring warmth, I find that I can not resist the feel of the Sun. I want all that snow covered winter shininess to come inside. The rays beckon to me to welcome them in, to enjoy their warmth.
So, I turn the woodstove fire onto a hot roar and open the door wide, letting in that sun to stream, in and through the door of my home. I welcome its beckoning streams to wends their way in and through the cracks and windows of my heart and home. As I sit in the door way, I feel those rays returning me to the songs and melodies of life, joy and love. Those rays and waves, oh they shine on and on, deeper and deeper until they, at last, they stream into my very soul.
Ahhh, there, I can breathe. There, I arrive. At last.
In harmony, a chickadee accompanies these waves of light today, and flies in, and then out of the door of my home, and heart, all in a space of a breath. I smile in my heart and belly. And feel the warmth of it all.
The Mist rises from the Snow during late February Evenings in the hills of Vermont.
The first time I saw this gift was when I was a passenger in my brother's new vehicle, which happened to a be a refurbished UPS truck. I was standing in the front, the side door open next to me. The mist crawled out of the woods, crossed our path and then traveled on into fields, hills, and parts unknown. The night mist became magical creatures in equally magical landscapes. I felt unreal, looking out into other worlds; it felt as though I was peeking into other dimensions. The path before us varied from completely invisible to suddenly and inexplicably clear. Reality, or what I thought outlined reality, felt very thin that night. With the door open to it all, the coolness chilling our skin, I watched with occasional oohs and gasps. We didn't mind neither the chill nor the slowing down it required.
My brother, always well-versed in the sublime, summed up the moment well, with one word ~ "Yup" That was all that could be said. We simply watched and marveled that night, when the mists rose and fell, on its own volition, and to its own destination.
Tonight, as I write this post, the Full moon night, the mists unfurl across the valleys once more. The mists come in on their own quiet time.
It also happens to be sap rising season. This type of mist, seems to come when the the sap is rising. And like the sap rising in the tree, the mist rises tonight to greet the moon. Perhaps the moist vapors help the sap to return to the surface of the earth once more to begin their dance of mingling with the mystery that alchemizes Winter into Spring. Perhaps fairies hide in this mist, fairies who dance with the valley, full of trees, dance with the hills dark beyond the mist, and with creatures known and unknown; they may be singing, singing Spring to the surface, like the birds who call in the dawn. Trees hills, moon, mist all dancing together in the early Spring night.
I can not say for sure ~ who knows? I welcome it all. I feel that dance stirring in me as well.
That night, many years ago, the tendrils of mist lingered across the road like a tail of a shroud from an unknown beast who had only recently passed. Or like the vapor of Kuan Yin's Dragon who has just breathed her compassion onto all the world, leaving wonder to wrap around me like a glorious cloak forever.
Tonight, the vapors differ from that other night in that tonight, they gather in the valleys and then rise, reaching their dancing fingers upward, toward the sky, toward the deeply healing Full Moon. The mist fills the valley, moving to music I can feel and not hear, dancing with the moonlight, to make sparkly crystalized rainbows of coral and mauve.
And all this is happening while the moon floats above, like a ship or a swimmer, sometimes mingling with the moisture, sometimes moving upward to the night sky. The temperatures or wind shift and then the sea of mist changes like music shifting to a new vibration.
These are the changing days, these early Spring days, the fifth season days. When the Winter and Spring co-mingle as equal partners. When all co-exist without edges. When transformation occurs overnight, with some veils lifting, others dropping. With ebbs and flows with enchantment and earthiness. The changing magic days.
It is a Deep magic that comes and allows for this mutable changing times.
Let the mist of the valleys and the winds of Spring blow through you and around you. Let them transform your world as the mists melt winter to Spring. Let gentle wonder refashion you to see with new eyes into new worlds, let veils drop and hint of what may be possible, of what may be sung. As these mists change your world, let it also change your hearts and your vision, to allow for the dance of magic to enter your life and your heart as a gift from the Glorious unseen.
As a post script. I have been silent here for a few days, brewing many new notions and delighting in these changing days. I suspect, though, that the flood gates of writing have opened and you may be hearing from me a little more often... It is Spring : )
I would love to invite you to join me today, for a tea party; a gathering where we might drink deeply together from the cup of Amarita, Spirit. When we may savor the cup, breathing it in deeply ~ spreading its flavor throughout the cells of our bodies, Pause, breath again and then go for a walk, musing on our own souls.
This is my wish for you, that we may share this cup of life, health and wishes in the dreams, the ethers, the heart. We may not drink together in physical proximity yet; No matter, Still, I wish to drink deeply from this cup of life with you, today. And then I shall offer it to the heavens in gratitude for you and all else that we also call Divine. Giving gratitude for life, taste, and togetherness, knowing that we are connected in so many ways.
When I Breathe out, I breathe out wishes for the health of all you, the Earth and all her participants.
So ~ To you I drink today, and share with you the cup-full of ananda.
Here are some whimsical drawing for your own own Cup of tea, love and spirit on your path today and any day. LOVE
Here are some photos of the snow from these woods. The light meeting the crystalline beauty bounces off to mingle with my eyes. Where does the light begin and end? Where does my perception begin and end?
If these snow pictures offers messages, they are ones for which I have no words~ only admiration. Perhaps better not to limit or define a gift so ephemeral and transient, so transparent yet visible, light, yet weighted, colorless, yet all colors, formidable, yet fragile.
I offer them to you for your pleasure
More photos can be found in the seasonal photo section. And more musings on the Venus page ~
Winter settles in for now. The Winds blew long and strong in the forest last night. ~ Gleefully, Raucously, Bountifully Bouncing along, Rolling over the forest stories. The wind seemed relieved to have a full and unfettered expression
Ahh. Full Expression ~ Now, THAT would be something to experience; and with an undivided audience, no less!
This morning, I wondered how the trees managed these winds, when the freezing temperatures must them less supple. Certainly, I notice moments of brittleness these days in my movement and days.
The trees. They, they remain rooted, present, and unattached to the stories or drama. They remain Still. It is a January stillness.
Only a week ago, when the January thaw beguiled me into listening for Spring sounds~ I listened closely to the earth to see if she too felt it. To see if there would be that deep inner rumbles of life awakening. Not yet. And the trees, they knew. They knew not to jump start their cycle. They may dream and imagine their coming growing days, but they do not anticipate or jump ahead. They stay in the deep pause of winter stillness. I imagine they like these dreaming days. When the snows insulate their sugary sweetness below the soil.
I have seen once, one early, early Spring day, when the winds and sun teased their limbs, the Spirits of the trees rose up into the air to dance, play, mingle and roam. They rose and played and danced in the Spring wind, free to visit neighbors, elders and other lands. Maybe they even visited you whereever your land roots you. Maybe they visit you now, in your winter dreams! Together you could share exchanges and tea and the like. I do love to imagine that! Oh what a joy to witness the reunion and sharing.
Perhaps they even travel to the warmth of the Southern Hemisphere to gather news of those lands, and the nature of treeness. Ahh, that vision that reverie brings, making my smile and cry. What beauty.
Still, back to the intended thread of this blog post (All diversions welcome..) ~ The stillness is visible here, outside my window, where the cold subzero temperatures hover.
So, I ask, dear trees, What do you teach me now? I seek wisdom to assist me to live in these days with presence. I share their response, should it offer you the grounding it provides me~
This is what I heard~
Know your roots ~ stay rooted in the glowing of your heart, in love, where all things are possible. Where illusion evaporates and only Spirit remains. Listen. Listen with one ear to the Earth, and one to the heavens, to hear the Moment of movement, and rebirth. Then you will know how to emerge and laugh in the Light. Until then, know your heart. Know your wholeness. Know your light. Shine that light.
A snow storm arrives today with news. The storm covered the trees with sticky white balls of snow~ice. This kind of snow weighs the trees earthward. Some even bend over nearly double. Some, less flexible ones, shed their outer twigs or limbs to manage the extra weight.
As beautiful as this snow is, I feel concerned that it is too much excess weight for the trees. I notice my concern and realize that my perceptual awareness asks for my response-ability. In other words, the reality I perceive is connected to me and colored by me. So in Response, I ask what is my excess, what is unneeded baggage. Here is the conversation that occurred between me, the Spirits of the trees, the wind and the snow that morning~
"Oh, Trees trees, beautiful trees, what may we, rather, what must we release together? What can I shed too? Or what needs shedding from me? That it may free you from burdensome weight as well? What is burdening us? What is this baggage that weighs us, keeping us from freedom, from peace, from the Love that resides in us All? What indeed must be released so that the heartwood within me and heartwood within you remains clear, connected, strong, supple, responsive? Not broken or crushed under some excess weight?
In response, the precipitation falling turned suddenly and magically to rain; and quickly, the rain began to melt the ice. And even more miraculous of all, the rain brought with her a playful, gentle wind, moving the heavy sodden branches, carefully at first, then more dramatically. What had been heavy became uplifted.
Maybe the trees called this ally in, who knows? The arrival sure felt instantaneous and spontaneous, arriving from unknown parts and traveling along unseen trails. One moment the trees were still, the air heavy, the next moment, limbs were dancing and swaying with graceful waves of wind.
The curling and swirling of the trees reminded me of the dance between the palm trees and the ocean breeze, like the dance between the infinite and the divine. It was a Wonder to see. To see how the limbs great and small could swirl and dip, twirl and bend to the rhythms of this wind. They knew each other well, and danced as happily as longtime partners. And, as you may have guessed, once dancing, the beautiful, wet snow dropped easily and harmlessly to the Earth.
The ones who could shake and shimmy (size not withstanding,) lost the excess baggage quickly. The birches who had bent nearly double, who are able to be more flexible, took a little longer to unweight themselves, and then reach for the heavens once more.
I cried at the beauty. Like the shedding of stars of light, leaving the cradling arms of the trees beings, the snow remained so full of light and beauty, Light moving into life together. One blessing the other. The "burden" remained a gift.
Here is the song I heard in that glorious dance~
Dear ones, Trust, trust, trust these winds of change. Welcome them, embrace them, dance with them ~ to renew your life. Let it ignite your flames as the breath ignites the embers, as the Sun calls to the seed to grow, as the waters reach to the thirsty.
Don't be afraid, release your memories, and stories of who you thought you were. Be you now, change, and then change again. Nothing is wrong; find the magnificent potential in your new you. The universe is holding her hand out to you. Will you let go of fear, and all that restricts to reach your hand out in return? Will you Receive her, and welcome her? Reach for this gift, it is true.
Blow, blow, blow winds, We will Shake and shed, Bend and Turn Release and Dance to the new.
Let Freedom reign, Let Freedom sing Let freedom Shine.
I offered prayers of light for the changes upon us all today while I drove to pick up some needed things (toilet paper actually.) As I often do, out of respect for the many miracles I have witnessed in the sky, I looked up to the blue skies, that were polka dotted with puffy clouds, where sheering clouds and sand clouds commingled. There, in the high high distance, only visible to me by their sheer size, were four Eagles flying south. Flying with determination and purpose, in the way only these majestic birds can fly. Git Puah.
It is true, while I do live in the country, the siting of these eagle is still not terribly common, and especially not in the middle of winter, during a cold spell. Oh, thank you dear Spirit
** ..... **
Here are some symbolic meanings attributed to Eagle ~
"Eagle conveys the powers and messages of the spirit; an Eagle is our connection to the divine bringing the message of reneweal as it is associated with the east winds - the direction of Spring, dawn and rebirth.
Eagle not only signals a new beginning, but also provides us with the stamina and resilience to endure the difficulties of this change. If eagle has appeared, it bestows freedom and courage to look ahead, with honesty and truth.
When Eagle appears to you it means that you are being put on notice. Eagle totems appear to inspire (push) you to reach higher and become more than you think you are capable of. They tell you to be courageous and really stretch your limits and see what you can do, bringing Courage and a sense of exploration. To have the courage to relinquish stale and comfortable habits and beliefs, to soar into unknown realms and new realities - continually expanding our view.
If you see an eagle~ Know that the future holds possibilities that you may not yet be able to see ~We are about to take flight."
And one can access eagle's power by…
"Being patient, finding that inner wisdom and its solutions takes time.
Writing down judgments you have about others and noting how these are projections of similar aspects or traits you deny are part of yourself.
Each evening, recording a list of 10 things for which you are grateful that happened that day. Do this every night for at least 21 days.
Go to an area where you can observe all that is below - the top of a tall building, a hilltop - and take in as much as you can. Take several slow, deep breaths as you do."
I found this information at this site :
We certainly are in a time of change, when courage is required, when pushing into unknown territory to find solutions to new problems is also required. I wish you all blessings as you find your answers to these questions. I welcome the eyes and wisdom of all the guides to help us cross this passage present now with Peace. I pray Blessings of the Eagle Spirit spread over the whole land and even the world, that we may see from the perspective and with the eyes of Spirit.
The Following piece of writing came to me on the night of the 20th, less than 24 hours from the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter and less than 12 hours from Solstice. I am posting it today on the Solstice
The word came.
The Word drifted through from the dimensions,
And fills me with Wonder.
Word says that the Pleiadeans, the seven sisters and the Celestial energies dwelling there, will sing to Alura tonight. Oh my. To imagine the planets of peace singing to the Ancient of Ancients here on Earth. That brings my heart to my Heart, My mind to my chest, and brings me to a stop in my tracks, in Wonder.
What other matters of wonder may unfold in these days of changing of the lights? What other wonders may occur of which we may never know, or only could only just conceive? To imagine....
In that wonder, I wondered off into the woods, in the snow falling forest. There, I heard this song. A song so true. During this trek and this song, a wind blew strangely warm from the Southeast, so gentle on my cheek, though the ambient air was cold.
The Forest sings tonight. Pause in the hush of the winter night. Can you hear it sing so deep and still?
Pause, in this winter night, take a deep life filling breath and then exhale and you may hear more. Be still and Pause to listen, above the moving forest limbs, above the skies, can you hear the sound? The sound of the celestial heavens singing in celebration?
There, the sound of angels are singing in festivities, singing in preparation, singing, the celestial realms now sing us awake.
Wishing you days and nights filled with warmth, music, beauty, wonder and blessings of Light, Happy Solstice to you, and happy New Year
The Venus Page has a new writings that may interest you. Today's piece was a solstice/ conjunction gift of wonder as well. Feel free to check it out here is a link, or go to home page and see tab above heading:
While the moon eclipsed the sun today over the Southern most lands of Argentina and Chile, quiet snows fell gently on the moist Northeastern woods. To my watery soul those two expressions of the Divine felt very similar, an expression of solidarity. A pause in the sun for both of us, an inward pull to our own light in the shadow of the moon and clouds. Though the former is more dramatic and all encompassing on a grander level. Both bless with equal magic and beauty.
And a southern eclipse! How symbolic~ Where the divine spark can begin anew in the void, made and held by the dark of the moon. Held for releasing, to allow for the inevitable and subsequent renewal. Endings making way for new beginnings. And all this occurs over the Southern pole. How beautiful for the Earth. This doorway inspires possibilities.
Come, come fly with me, to those Southern lands. Let's fly home to knowing that we are creator/Createss, Infinite expressions of life, and never bound to those imagined, fear driven nights, that held us captive by the magnitude of our own fears. Come, come fly with me, On Angelwings that are growing unnoticed on our backs. While it is dark, we can practice laughing as we die to the old selves, so that when we return, return to the light, something new can grow. There we can create with creation ki-self For we are, and always have been one, with beautiful creation, and creator/ess in One, Seeking the void in the ever unfolding of life.
We may forget as happens on this Earth, that we have the tools for creating life in the dark; we may forget that we Are that divine Spark of life, unfolding and flowering in every moment, on and on in and eternal cycle of Love. This we may forget, until in remembering, we rejoin the dance.
Today, a special day, let's unite the sides within, and bring north and south, and divine expressions of color and forms together as one. Bringing dark and light together in their perpetual dance of Life and Void. Remembering we are not alone, nor ever are we without the tools to bring new light and life out of the unknown. For that is the grace and mystery of life.