The Mist rises from the Snow during late February Evenings in the hills of Vermont.
The first time I saw this gift was when I was a passenger in my brother's new vehicle, which happened to a be a refurbished UPS truck. I was standing in the front, the side door open next to me. The mist crawled out of the woods, crossed our path and then traveled on into fields, hills, and parts unknown. The night mist became magical creatures in equally magical landscapes. I felt unreal, looking out into other worlds; it felt as though I was peeking into other dimensions. The path before us varied from completely invisible to suddenly and inexplicably clear. Reality, or what I thought outlined reality, felt very thin that night. With the door open to it all, the coolness chilling our skin, I watched with occasional oohs and gasps. We didn't mind neither the chill nor the slowing down it required.
My brother, always well-versed in the sublime, summed up the moment well, with one word ~ "Yup"
That was all that could be said. We simply watched and marveled that night, when the mists rose and fell, on its own volition, and to its own destination.
Tonight, as I write this post, the Full moon night, the mists unfurl across the valleys once more. The mists come in on their own quiet time.
It also happens to be sap rising season. This type of mist, seems to come when the the sap is rising. And like the sap rising in the tree, the mist rises tonight to greet the moon. Perhaps the moist vapors help the sap to return to the surface of the earth once more to begin their dance of mingling with the mystery that alchemizes Winter into Spring. Perhaps fairies hide in this mist, fairies who dance with the valley, full of trees, dance with the hills dark beyond the mist, and with creatures known and unknown; they may be singing, singing Spring to the surface, like the birds who call in the dawn. Trees hills, moon, mist all dancing together in the early Spring night.
I can not say for sure ~ who knows? I welcome it all. I feel that dance stirring in me as well.
That night, many years ago, the tendrils of mist lingered across the road like a tail of a shroud from an unknown beast who had only recently passed. Or like the vapor of Kuan Yin's Dragon who has just breathed her compassion onto all the world, leaving wonder to wrap around me like a glorious cloak forever.
Tonight, the vapors differ from that other night in that tonight, they gather in the valleys and then rise, reaching their dancing fingers upward, toward the sky, toward the deeply healing Full Moon. The mist fills the valley, moving to music I can feel and not hear, dancing with the moonlight, to make sparkly crystalized rainbows of coral and mauve.
And all this is happening while the moon floats above, like a ship or a swimmer, sometimes mingling with the moisture, sometimes moving upward to the night sky. The temperatures or wind shift and then the sea of mist changes like music shifting to a new vibration.
These are the changing days, these early Spring days, the fifth season days. When the Winter and Spring co-mingle as equal partners. When all co-exist without edges. When transformation occurs overnight, with some veils lifting, others dropping. With ebbs and flows with enchantment and earthiness. The changing magic days.
It is a Deep magic that comes and allows for this mutable changing times.
Let the mist of the valleys and the winds of Spring blow through you and around you. Let them transform your world as the mists melt winter to Spring. Let gentle wonder refashion you to see with new eyes into new worlds, let veils drop and hint of what may be possible, of what may be sung. As these mists change your world, let it also change your hearts and your vision, to allow for the dance of magic to enter your life and your heart as a gift from the Glorious unseen.
As a post script. I have been silent here for a few days, brewing many new notions and delighting in these changing days. I suspect, though, that the flood gates of writing have opened and you may be hearing from me a little more often... It is Spring : )
~Love and Namaste to all~