Venus Muse post (2)

April 11, 2020

Further musing on the present path of Venus through the sky~

Some call the planet Venus the planet associated with the heart; I am calling this path of the heart 'The path of many petals.' The path of one's heart unfurling and blooming on the path of love. As with any path, it is one step at a time

I take it slowly (with all the extra time I have in this global pause,) noticing what is here now. What feeds my joy now? What feeds my laughter and delight? I trust that what reveals itself to me is my next step. (even if that step, as it was today, is cleaning certain arcs within my home. An interesting focus before the descent to the underworld)

I remind myself when the steps feel hard, as it can with the ground in these Northern woods still thawing, that I can focus on the challenges before me, those that separate and divide, or I can look at the source that I love~ the face of the Beloved before me. When posed in this way, the choice seems obvious; the path feels clear even when the end destination remains unknown. I choose a path of joy

We are in a pause before the descent, I trust in trust. I trust my Spirit who has brought me to this exquisite specific moment in creation to experience this specific step as a part of the making and unfurling of the eventual flower. Every step, when seen as integral to this path becomes that of walking on hallowed ground

Happy path to your heart's center.

~Happy Easter, Passover and Ramadan soon to be~


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