Solstice lights

Peccaries, sharing their bounty : )!

The Season of lights ~

I read that one can determine the Winter Solstice date by discovering which day has earliest solar noon. I also read that "sol," meaning sun, and "sistere," meaning to stand still, combined makes the word "solstice" ~ So on this day, when the Sun Appears to stand still, when there is a pause in the motion of the arc of time created by the Earth moving around the Sun, we too can stand still, pause, and listen.

The Season brings so much concentrated energy shimmering in the long nights and brief days, that pausing can be a hard task and long forgotten.

Pause, Breathe. Two often forgotten treasures, ones that offer us an opportunity to stay still long enough to gather our bearings, consider our blessings, and muse on where might we like to head now, wonder at the possibilities of the entire cosmos....

The other night, I was resting when I heard that there may be shooting stars. I rushed outside, only to find a layer of mist was moving in to gently cover the night sky, making the meteors invisible to me; Still, My wonder found another magical blessing. Looking up, outside of my normal view, I found the following gift. Here is a photo of that blessing.

After that, magical rainbows followed me for several days, and nights. They reminded me to look up and pause long enough to see wonder around me. Every where. When seeking for gold, it seems to me, one is more likely to find beautiful things, hidden in plain view. Stepping outside seems to ignite that possibility faster for me than staying hidden in the confines of my known space. So grateful for the reminder to pause, breathe, wonder, explore.

I hope that in your days and nights you find ways and time to pause, and breathe in the Deep Magic of Solstice, when the world seems to stand still too. And life breathes into your heart.

Wishing you luminous moments of this light filling your being with wonder, your eyes with beauty and your heart with breath. And May you find moments to bask in the grotto of your heart.

Thank you dear world and friends.

Happy Sweet Solstice, Merry return of Lights, and if you celebrate it, Happy anniversary of Christ light

For your perusal, I offer some more thoughts here on Venus Muse

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