On the evening of the 40th day, a bell chimed. The sounding of a note. This note rang so quietly that it felt like the landing of a feather on still water, creating a gentle ripple. It came softly on the tail end of a surprising day; I heard the tone and smiled; I received the sound as the gift of his farewell.
I had been anticipating an event, a sign of some kind, something to mark the significance of the passage. Nothing unusual had happened yet on this day to commemorate it, until the arrival of this gentle chime, which breathed through the air to me, like an angel landing on my shoulder, offering a kiss, then flying to heaven. There was not a logical cause for the sound. My phone was off. I did not hit anything to create a chime. The sound came out of stillness. Well, perhaps, just maybe, an owl had landed on a branch outside, the very branch that also happens to holds a wind chime. And, in the landing, on this branch, the owl set off a sound wave, which reached me. Maybe this is true, and if so, she or he is also a remarkable guest to come with such treasures to lay before my heart. A guest, most welcome.
I had been readying for bed, picking up the detritus that inevitably accumulates on the yurt floor. I noted the alter of things he loved, and I was generally winding down before sleep. That was when I heard this quietest and gentlest of sounds. I knew that the tone was him, saying "I made it. My earth-time roaming is no more." The marking of the passage leaves me with peace and joy, because his happiness is so palpable.
How do we describe the essence of a magnificent being? Or the wonder of the light of one who warms our hearts from the inside out? When he left his beautiful physical form, I wrote, in my journal, these words, "I never wanted to write, that my beloved, the noble prince of the yurt, the jaguar of my heart, has passed on, to Spirit. Yet, I do write it, he resides now, in the forest of his home, in the wind that calls the trees, in the waters that travels through the earth, in the logs that bask in the warmth of the sun. He is amidst all these things he loved.
"My heart, my yurt, my song is quiet. And still I breathe. I listen for him in the morning. I imagine him returning home to warm by the fires. I laugh at the memories of his ways. His presence continues as a guide in the dark to help my roaming in the valley of grief. He is ever wiser than me, so I listen for and to him still; these visions of him comfort me"
In truth, his spirit has gifted me with many days of celebration, and this has surprised me - of connecting to new and old friends. Of laughter and hugs. It is as though he wanted me to focus on the joyful expression of life with fierce undivided attention.
He continues to beam his love in much of same the way he did in life. He is infinite, and peaceful. He is sparkling and everywhere. The 40th day felt surprising as it was a great sparkling light of a day. A day of joy, a day full of surprises and sun. A wonder and a playful twirl of chirpings. Just like him.
Perhaps where he goes, a part of me goes as well ~ so a part of me, like him, is infinite, playful, free. Our time, here, is so brief, his transition reminds me to enjoy this life, to embrace, to break open, to cry, to laugh, and to connect.
Grace continues to carry me along on a mysterious ocean current dredging up sediment from the ocean floor, that then in turn nourishes the wildlife living on the edge. I find that I dwell on this edge. I nourish myself from that which rises from the depths.
I write, a few nights later, about that magical night. As I sit, I hear the northbound train toning a soulful sound. Here, in this valley, the sound of the passing train makes harmonic resonances, like a calling back and forth of two musicians, calling out their greetings to each other as they pass in the night.
This night, the call weaves a winding thread between me and all the beings in these hills. The winding thread connects and unites us all to each other, just as the mysterious bell and my memories connect me to my beloved. An interweaving and interplaying through the tapestry. These sound waves remind me that those we love abide and abound in every atom of this life.
Feeling this connection again, I feel his joy of running with the wind, climbing in the trees nearby, watching the owls cast their nightly flights, pondering the passages of the stars, purring in the light. I catch sight of his soul preening in the moonlight and sunlight. He is an angel of Spirit chasing the sparkles within the dimensions, in a new and mystical form. This angel continues to repaint my world with currents and colors, sparkling in every snow flake and rainbow reflection; and in the whispers of the trees, I feel him smiling. My heart will know more tears, my mind may reel again in disbelief, and for now, at this moment, I feel gratitude for the living days with him, sure of his grace, peace and love.
So, my beautiful beloved feline, who has completed this magnificent song for now, who has toned a note into the ethers connecting us all to the love we are, to each other, I shall sleep now, hoping I may still occasionally catch sight of you in my dreams. Rest well. Be as free as the wind, gentle as the snow, Warm as the sun, soft as the rain, playful as the dancing leaf, content as the flowers - all this surrounds me, still, and reminds me of you, and of love.

A poem of Simple grace ~
Om ~ I bow to god within consciousness
Om ~ To the sound of the curl of wings in flight
Om ~ to the light reflected in a thousand drops of dew
Om ~ to the beauty within, and its reflection without.
Om ~ to the sound of falling snow
that lands like a blanket on our awakening land.
Om ~ to the mystery within
and the moving light across the seas of time
Om ~ to the stretching of a smiling cat
Om ~ I bow to the mystery that is life.