As far as I can tell, the trees seem unaware that there is a pandemic going on. The trees, and for that matter, all of Spring appears to be going about their business of Spring with full gusto: The sap flows up through the trees to any tip it can find, the flowers bud; the Spring arrivals trill and chirp, flitting around getting on with their mating dance; the owls call gloriously celebrating their convocations in pre dawn hours; mud alchemizes into grass. In short, all seems well in the woods.

As I generally look to the trees for daily guidance, taking my cue for living from these wise elders, I wonder to myself this Spring, how can my life reflect their joy and splendor? Answers come fast, and arrive as follows~

Trust my resilience, to be strong and flexible, to respond and adapt and still laugh with joyful life force
Reach for the light wherever and however it shows up. Even if one must grow sideways. Simply reach, destination unimportant.
Send my roots deep into the abundant earth. Now, is a time of plenty. From these roots, one finds stability, nourishment and support.
Reach out to friends, neighbors and community. And for a tree, community is global. Who knows who needs a wave of a smile.
Dance and sway to the unseen, the music of the spheres and wind.
Send one's light out to the cosmos, knowing the web of life connects us by the very breath we breath and the atmosphere that contains us.

Those answers feel wise choices when many could be feeling fears of lack, or isolation. I pray that I, like the trees and wind, feel the grace of connection, not the despair of isolation. So... like the trees, I aim to embrace abundance, laugh and sing, and clap my hands often.

“For ye shall go out with joy,
And led forth with peace:
The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." (book of Isaiah)

"Brothers and Sisters, Here is what I know, here is what I know and it goes like this~
"In your love my Salvation lies, In your love, My Salvation lies."

Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch

The path of Venus is The path of the heart

A few days before Venus started this particular journey, she brushed up with the Pleiades, the seven sister star cluster. In the evening in the western sky I got to see Venus just below the little cluster of stars. I have always loved this group of stars~ a magical cluster associated with a magical number.

I also have always loved that the best way to see this star community is by averting one's eyes, by seeking their home just off the actual location. I like to think perhaps, like the heart, one best sees the Pleiades when not using the glare of rational perspective or preconceived notion of place, time and form. Instead, when softening the vision, one can really See!! And humorously, when practicing this skill at night, my mind almost always jumps in and flicks my eyes back to the actual physical spot saying, "really, all that is in that cluster??", only to be rewarded with the dimmed-down version of a smudge.

I like knowing that when I widen my gaze with reverence, or indeed sidle up to any being, with honor, humility and hope that I see More beauty than is in my dreams. It feels when this happens that I see a spark of the Divine in that eternal moment ~ Will I See you if I Look from a new different angle, a different spot? What if I look here? Or here? Then will I See You??

Regarding the magic of this month's passing~Much has been written about the Pleiades, saying that they carry unconditional Love for all the earth and her inhabitants. Here is what I know, that when I lie down on this precious earth and avert my eyes to gaze under the sky's mystery, a gentleness enters my Spirit, a gentleness that does not reflect my mental chatter. It is the peace of a warm smile. I leave the moment feeling refreshed, a renewed hope and awe.

Venus passed this warm smile prior to entering her retrograde shadow this year, like a graduate being given the blessing of her kin prior to starting a new petal path; prior to her descent into the underworld. It brings scope to this journey. That even the stars are not alone. That even the stars have their kin sharing encouragement and support. ("Go team GO...")

I celebrate her, and our star kin. And Thank you for being in my life.

Love to all of you

A quick note for subscribers. I will not "post" my daily Venus writing so that your inboxes are not unduly inundated. I shall simply add them to the Venus page that you can find at the top of the blog. Instead will start with the goal of posting weekly. Also if you find you are receiving this email and do not want it, I believe there is a way that you can unsubscribe at the bottom of your email. And as much has changed in my writing, and the world, I understand the need to have less rather than more emails. ~Namaste ~

April 11, 2020

Further musing on the present path of Venus through the sky~

Some call the planet Venus the planet associated with the heart; I am calling this path of the heart 'The path of many petals.' The path of one's heart unfurling and blooming on the path of love. As with any path, it is one step at a time

I take it slowly (with all the extra time I have in this global pause,) noticing what is here now. What feeds my joy now? What feeds my laughter and delight? I trust that what reveals itself to me is my next step. (even if that step, as it was today, is cleaning certain arcs within my home. An interesting focus before the descent to the underworld)

I remind myself when the steps feel hard, as it can with the ground in these Northern woods still thawing, that I can focus on the challenges before me, those that separate and divide, or I can look at the source that I love~ the face of the Beloved before me. When posed in this way, the choice seems obvious; the path feels clear even when the end destination remains unknown. I choose a path of joy

We are in a pause before the descent, I trust in trust. I trust my Spirit who has brought me to this exquisite specific moment in creation to experience this specific step as a part of the making and unfurling of the eventual flower. Every step, when seen as integral to this path becomes that of walking on hallowed ground

Happy path to your heart's center.

~Happy Easter, Passover and Ramadan soon to be~


The guidance I received this morning seemed such a nice gift to share on this Leo New moon~ Blessings, and in the words of Kaypacha~ Injoy 🙂

Relax into the now,

See with eyes of wonder and potential

Recognize the synchronistic events, the everyday gifts of spirit
Follow the call into the unknown, to co-create with Spirit
Dream, intend, and yes, watch for the signs for next action

Release, as water through your fingers, old pain, old wounds
Still the mind and listen to the soft gentle voice urging you to test your new wings

"Identifying strongly with destiny’s design… while remembering our basic roots in ordinary soil"
Elias Lonsdale

New moon 11:11 EDT


The wistful smell that drifts in the wind from the Spring Lilacs
Pierces through my mind's defense
Awakening a memory~

That beauty could outlast despair
That laughter could free and uplift hearts
That adventures could end in cozy comfort
With memories that nourish
That Now could befriend a centered heart
That hope could land with Love

In light of Trees has returned once more as an outlet for musings. I am thrilled to feel its possibilities. I hope to continue the channel here, of the conversations with the Divine Spirit that moves in all of us, that Inspires us with breath of life. Initially, in the early writings, the conversations stemmed exclusively from my relationship to trees and wind. Now, I hear and relay the whispers from many forms of life.

Today's inspiration came from the writings of Robin Wall Kimmerer and from her love of moss. Many phrases are direct quotes from her book ~ Gathering Moss. I have so much gratitude for her work and perspective; she is a wise teacher. Her work inspired the following, which feels like a message from Moss to me

In "An Affinity for Water" in Gathering Moss, (which reads like a poem,) I felt parallels in my life, and with my own affinity to water~

This mossy sponge, this "companion of trees" drips a constant flow of water down the bark of Oaks to their roots, relinquishing water when an overflow exists. The slow release feeds the earth, adding to the communal well for nourishment of all life
This nourishing flow of manna, "fills the soil's reservoir for the Summer ahead. Yet, by August, the mossy carpets begin to dry and shrivel, becoming wiry skeletons." They appear lifeless, they are actually awaiting their renewal and their time of rebirth.

Kimmerer writes that the "atmosphere is possessive of its water," and moss in turn exerts its own pull. Like a jealous lover, it holds on as tightly as possible to the water ~ in curves, curls and folds and shapes of its surface. With its form, the moss invites water to linger, reside, make a home at its core.

It made me so happy to realize, as I read this, that something else beside me is also tied to the comings and going of water. I love the blessings of a good rain, which nourishes my soul with laughter, companionship, conversation, hope, aliveness. In the atmosphere of it's embrace, I feel new life, I feel participation and joy in the web of life. And like moss, when the moisture returns to the atmosphere, it's other home, I can feel dull, shriveled and, yes, lifeless. I too, like a jealous lover, seek to have the nourishment of water stay, mist my life, my days, my dreams, my wrinkled skin with its nourishment longer. I want to hold onto these cherished moments, asking the life of water to linger, to stay. Unlike moss, I do not relinquish these moments gracefully. I do not have the knowing for this patience, yet.

This kind of impatience makes it difficult to accept the transitions of life around the medicine wheel of time with ease. Unlike moss, I can forget that the apparent lifelessness, is indeed appearances only, that the shifting of its presence is a natural cycle akin to breathing in and out, to expansion and contraction, to give and take. I practice this surrender these days as life shifts and changes; I practice surrendering to the greater wisdom of Spirit. I practice allowing, awaiting divine timing of the manna of rain to return once more.

To help the practice, I make a list of attributes of moss to emulate:
Acceptance, patience, surrender
Allowing for the vagaries of Change
Surrendering to natural cycles,
Surrendering to the ways of water,
Gratitude for the cycles of the web
Acceptance that Dessication is part of the path

Acceptance... to a deeper knowing. Moss reminds me that there exists a deeper mystery, unseen in the cycles of contraction and expansion. It is my mind that values one over the other. It is my fear that I will lose should the blessed nourishment of rain cease; It is my fear that there is not enough Here, Now. It is my fear that I will cease to exist without it's presence. It is my fear of death, that says, "no, this can't be right," that wants my timing. The amount of energy my mind uses to convince me that something must be wrong when the waters recede is exhausting!!

What if Nothing is wrong? Mooji says that believing something is wrong, is one of the tricks that the mind plays to keep us tied to it. What if I began to see the dry period as a wonderful, refreshing quiet time allowing for replenishment of a different kind? What if the quiet allows for insight into the deeper mysteries of the Whole, and the wonder at that whole? And what if that wonder frees me?
What if this practiced surrender actually frees me to experience my life more fully? Freedom earned through total Surrender. What if being like moss is a gift of freedom?

When the rains do come, one drop at a time, it is, indeed, enough to start the transformation. Even after 40 years of dehydration, One drop will transform the apparent lifelessness of moss into turgidity. Once again they will swell, unfurl, grow green and resplendent. Once hydrated they can participate in transforming light and air into sugar. Their activity restored they can participate in creating sugar for their survival, and renewal. They participate again in the giving back to the earth.
To moss, desiccation is simply a pause in activity, not a death
Desiccation is a breath, a rest
Dry periods and the change it brings are part of the whole.

I will probably always revel in the free flowing gifts of water. It is my nature to love the freedom of movement and flow, dancing ever with the moving elements.
Yet life brings needed pauses
If I, like the moss can learn to allow for these pauses without resistance what freedom it would also bring for exploration.
If I can accept changes in my environment, accept the divine timing, knowing I will once more swell to my part in the web of life with the coming rains, I will better enjoy the renewal of quiet, and the wonders of transformation that it brings.
This path would lay the groundwork for my own cycle of renewal, refreshment and joy.

I seek the wisdom of moss to accept, unfurl and relinquish all with grace. Grace in the humility of a plan much greater than mine; In a plan that is mysterious, and generous; In a plan that incorporates the blessing of the whole and allows for all dreams to come to fruition in their beautiful design

Dendroalsia: This mossy sponge, this "companion of trees", drips a constant flow of water down the bark of the oak to the tree root

IMG_3784IMG_6755Spring is arriving in the Northeast!  And what a sensual delight. I am moved to share all the surprises that are greeting me.

Each year, I am increasingly sensitive to the changes and transformations that surround me, it becomes an endless wonder to experience the changing of winter to spring. I find that I forget the little details that comprises Spring. When they appear, they come as a surprise, much like a gift that lands unexpectedly at the doorstep.

I am so grateful for the endless gifts that seem to actively seek to raise my joy, vibration, and thoughts to delight that I will share them here in gratitude.  Please do share, what Spring surprises did you forget about?  What everyday things have you noted and in seeing it, felt like it was almost like seeing life itself for the first time?

Here is my list, so far:

Longer day light in the evening - giving me more moments to relish the softness of the season.  I forgot that the sun set after 8!! (How could I?)
Warmth on my skin

Tiny leaflets unfolding from the beech trees in graceful wonder

Wild flowers emerging in abundance on forest floor
Red Efts (newt like animal) crawling across the moist forest floor's leaf mould-wow so bright
Green Green grass brilliantly glowing on a rainy spring morning

Looking up and seeing tiny graceful bright green leaves on the treesIMG_6942
Burbling Spring runoff calling for the return of the wild to our woods

0416124620_01BRIGHT Gold Gold finches -who remembers how bright their sound and feathers become in their Spring joy?
Daffodils and Tulips emerging from recently frozen ground

Spring Wind... so temptingly seductive to our senses

What captures your senses and attention?


0422121906_01I have started a daily ritual of taking my concerns, and worries, wrapping them into a bundle and placing them at the roots of a grand tree.  I either do this on my walks in the woods, or in my mind's eye. Sometimes my bundle is given to a beech, sometimes a sugar maple or majestic oak as these are the oldest and largest trees around here.  I imagine in other parts of the world, the tree of choice may be a different yet sturdy elder: the amazing tulip tree, willow oaks, or magnolias, or the grand southern cypress trees. What do you lean on in need?  I imagine the answers are as diverse as the creative expressions are of human and tree beings.

To whomever draws me first, I gladly relinquish this bundle of thoughts.  I deliberately place it at the base of the tree. As I deposit it, I feel an immediate lessening of the inner chatter.  I sense that the tree has absorbed it. Sometimes, I feel it bringing the concerns down into its roots for processing and then letting the transformed contents flow up its trunk like the sap that nourishes its limbs, raining blessings in return.  Sometimes, I sense it holding the contents for future compost.  The various sense may depend on the contents of the bundle.  Or perhaps, it depends on my relationship to the bundle. This detail is not clear to me. Or maybe it is all about timing.

The process of surrender, as well as the process of inner transformation occurring in the tree, both feel critical to the resulting sense of resolution that I experience.  Sensing it transform to a new vibration within the tree creates relief within me. Through this internal vision, I feel re-assured that the tree has handled the concerns with far more inspiration and love than I could. I was holding on so tightly and with so much mental focus that there was no room for creative resolution, or grace; it took the love of the tree to perform the alchemy I could not. Love, breath, trust all create that alchemy of resolution.

And imagining it as a chemical process much like transforming carbon dioxide into oxygen also adds to the release for me.  The trees are already daily performing an alchemical gift to the world.  The metaphysical one of transforming our cares into a vibration and breath of life is no different. A miracle yes, and offered with love.

I try it now, taking the concern for a friend's well-being and lay it at my maple friend's roots.  I see in my inner eye that fear of the unknown, absorb deep into the tree's trunk and roots. In moments it is then transformed in some internal cellular process before proceeding up its trunk with its sap and joy.  Once in its limbs, the tree exhales its life-giving force to the world and cosmos.  A new vibration.  What once was fear is transformed into life-giving energy.

The trees don't mind this process of creating more life and offering better solutions.

A smiles returns to me, and I know my heart to be lighter and the answers more conceivable.  WIth some of my fears gone I have more room and energy for creative solutions for creative options in the rest of my day.  The visit with the trees allows for more room to breath in my world.


Passing some grand old maples one day, it occurred to me that one of the many reasons why going into nature uplifts our spirits is that nature points to a way to live our lives: Showing us how to live in joy, how to live without self-criticism, how to live in the moment, how to live in faith and hope.  Everywhere in nature we see an essential, authentic magnificent expression of itself.  Everywhere, we have examples of life demonstrating life in faith. Each part from the microscopic to macroscopic responds to what is present, no more and no less.

For example, it would be humorous to imagine a tree worrying about its appearance, or whether it will get enough, or holding itself back from sun, water, and the nourishment from wind, sun and love. Or wondering what is the right thing to do. In fact, the opposite is true, the trees declare, in this emerging Spring, Look at me, See how grand I am, See how Wide my canopy is, Look how wild and free I am. The trees are reaching for the sun, training their branches to move into every glimpse of daylight making sometimes the most unusual twists and turns as they grow.  We see them standing at the top of the hill expressing their innate sense of beauty and grandeur.

No, a tree does not worry about not having enough. It trusts, knowing that it has all that it needs in this very moment.  And the next moment will bring more of what it needs to allow it to respond to life. And this intrinsic truth is also true for us: each moment brings us all that we need.  Even if there may be much we could worry about, or the answers to our questions seem unimaginable, untenable, ungraspable,  in truth, at each crossroad, we are given what we need for that moment.  At every stage we find the strength, the courage, the inner guidance to steer us to our destiny.  This promise is given to us, is reflected in nature, is demonstrated over and over in our courageous lives.  It is not the worst-case scenario that drops us to oblivion, it is our worry over its possibility.

Listening, as I have learned to do in the company of trees has taught me to be present in each moment to hear the inner guidance, to trust the inner voice that leads us to better possibilities than we could imagine for ourselves.

This time of unfoldment is unprecedented for most of the world.  Fighting it makes the process more uncomfortable; allowing for it to unfold like a flower of many, many petals will bring wonder and delight.



Thoughts of writing on this blog have fallen down and in between the roots of this soulful winter in which so much internal metamorphosis took priority.  Starting from the transformative solstice (soulstice) to this fast paced month of February, deep layers of thought, emotion, and consciousness have risen from within our beings to be examined, refined and winnowed.

Until now, I have been unable to articulate this process and its relation to the tree beings. Here, I hope to return to a more regular sharing of the messages from the woods.

Today, on the walk to the sunny spot in the forest, these words came to me: "as the snow softly melts, seeping into deep the layers of the earth below, slowly and almost imperceptibly it begins to reveal the ground on which we stand. As it melts, so too will clarity slowly, inevitably be revealed for all that perplexes, confounds and restricts your joy."

Then I wondered, in that moment, what in me needs to melt before this gentle clarity can bless me, too. Before it can come, and come it will in its perfect time,  what receptivity to warmth, light and hope do I require?

In the forest, snow melts gently into the cover of last year's fallen leaves.  The gentle melting of ice allows for the perfect seasoning of this fabric of botany that lives beneath the surface of leaf mould. Have you ever pushed back the top layer of leaves in a forest and seen the intricate and delicate weave of sinuous roots? Roots quickly extends small shoots into this environment gaining purchase into this realm of moisture and nutrients.  It appears that the growing tendrils savor the nourishment and life present in this layer.

This layer welcomes the frozen water that has fallen this winter in its crystalline wonder.   As in any Emoto experiment, the snow captured the essence of the energy through which it froze. (   As the crystals melt, the water releases the gifts of this essence to the trees.

As I contemplate this process, I begin to see that as I seek clarity in this early Spring light, expecting to get all the information before it is ready to be released/revealed is futile.  The release has its own timing.  The forest floor patiently awaits the full release of this information, whether it be in snow melt, spring rains, or morning dew.  Slowly the truth will be revealed. Then, too, we will feel clear; like a spring morning when hope is restored and the unfathomable seems conceivable.